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Final Reflection

My global experiences before college consisted of frequent travel, which shaped my passion for seeing the world. However, though I went back to visit my family in Colombia each year, my surroundings in the States influenced me to push away my cultural background. I grew up attending a predominantly white, small private school; this made me conform to their norms and not be in touch with my roots as much as I believe I should have.


When I arrived at the University of Florida, a public school with all sorts of diverse opportunities, I finally began looking for ways to discover my true self. One of the first groups I joined, Theta Chi Fraternity, helped me tremendously in doing so. This collection of men consists of very well-rounded individuals, who are known for both being professional and having a solidified social presence. Later that year, an older member of Theta Chi and now close friend, introduced me to Sponsors for Educational Opportunity. From the very beginning, SEO played an extremely monumental role in discovering myself, which has allowed me to shape my desired career path. I quickly noticed that the reason I was introduced to this tremendous opportunity was because of my ethnic background. Therefore, when I came back to campus for my second year, I was driven to find more groups where I could dive deeper into my Latino culture.


Sophomore Fall, I leveraged a preexisting position with UF’s student government to join its cabinet of multicultural affairs. What I liked about this experience was the immersion into a new community of students. I got to meet at the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Cultures and discuss ideas with students who had such similar backgrounds but would not have crossed paths with me otherwise. What I did not like was a certain stigma that UF is oppressed towards minorities who are powerless against those who make the rules. I am a firm believer that change comes from within. That said, one may have to “play by the rules” until achieving a position where he or she is able to recreate said rules. At this pivotal moment in my college experience, I decided to look for a program that contains the multicultural aspects I enjoy but could also equip me to become the man that can make a change from within in any setting.


After communicating my desire with others, I was introduced to the International Scholars Program. I was initially drawn to ISP since it reminded me of a global scholar’s program I completed in high school. However, this program took everything to the next level with campus life engagement, unique course offerings and an endless community of like-minded individuals. At this point in time, I was getting bored by the monotony of meeting finance major after finance major in my business school organizations. Through campus experiences and listening to speakers, ISP allowed me to learn about such different life paths I would have never imagined, truly appreciate people’s different perspectives and continue seeking new experiences like the Bachata leisure course I enrolled in. Overall, the International Scholars Program added a new dimension to my experience at the University of Florida. I have not only been left in awe of the diverse opportunities here but am also hungry to find something similar once I leave this campus.


So, when it came time to decide where I would begin my full-time career, I followed the principles I have instilled while discovering my inner self. Some of these include international exposure where I could use my language skills, the ability to travel and learn how businesses work outside of the U.S., and most importantly, time off work to continue growing individually and making memories with the ones I love. The International Scholars Program, in conjunction with the University of Florida, have made me a much more well-rounded person, fulfilled on the inside and provided me a guiding light for how to live my life. Soon, I will begin my next chapter, working with one of the most global companies in the world and taking a great leap into the unknown. To say the least, I have never been more nervous and excited!

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